OSS Business Incubator



Open Source Technology Consultancy Incubation
If you’ve dreamed of running your own technology consultancy, OpenTeams Incubator helps incubate and grow your business. You become a member of the OpenTeams partner network and gain access to high quality inbound revenue opportunities.

Open Source Project Incubation
Open source software continues to dominate the software world. More and more companies are looking for help on how to utilize and integrate open source into their technology stack. OpenTeams Incubator can help companies open source their tools, build an open source community, run an open source project, advise on best practices, and help manage their open source release.

New Product(s) or Service(s) Incubation
Whether a small company founder, or a business leader of a multinational company who is looking to tap open source roots to bring a new product or service to market, OpenTeams Incubator can help.

Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) Program
OpenTeams Incubator is committed to helping you unleash your potential as an entrepreneur. We are built and run by entrepreneurs, so we understand the complexities of how to build a successful business. We also understand it can be intimidating to quit your full-time job to focus on your startup without the security of a guaranteed salary and benefits. That is why the Entrepreneur in Residence program was established. During this 18 month residency program, OpenTeams Incubator employs entrepreneurs and offers them capital that can be used to buy out salaried time while working on building their own company. As part of the entrepreneur in residence program, we can also help guide founders through the process of establishing their entity.

Benefits of the EIR Program

    • Focus on your startup company.
    • Receive the security of a full-time salary and benefits (generally up to 18 months).
    • Support team to help you in every aspect of your developing business.
    • Partnership and consulting opportunities with OpenTeams.
    • Access to experienced open source leadership.
    • Opportunity to participate in Buyout Program.


Buyout Program
The OpenTeams Incubator Buyout Program allows entrepreneurs to “buy” release time to work on entrepreneurial activities. This is accomplished by using externally funded service credits to pay for a portion (up to 50%) of the entrepreneur’s OpenTeams Incubator salary. Such funded entrepreneurial activities include creating, building, growing, etc. an entrepreneur’s own company while working at OpenTeams Incubator. In short, an incubating company buys the consulting time of its own founder(s) from OpenTeams Incubator. The external funds raised for buyout help cover the cost of hiring someone else to do the client work the entrepreneur is unable to do. External funds used for buyout may come from the incubating company itself or from investors (e.g. Quansight Initiate).